Winter is here and it’s brought along seasonal pains, stiff joints, dry itchy skin, colds, and for some, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). There are so many magical things about winter, but let’s face it, for many of us the cold weather can really affect us physically and mentally.
Massage can help turn those winter blues into summer vibes. There are so many great benefits to massage therapy during the winter season. What are those benefits? We’re glad you asked!
Relieve Seasonal Aches, Pains And Improve Circulation
Even if you opt out of Snowboarding or Skiing down a mountain side this year, winter is never short of labor-intensive activities. Tasks like shoveling, plowing, or trudging through snow can really take a toll on your body. Especially your lower back, legs, shoulders, and your joints. And to add to injury, cold air, all by itself, often contributes to stiff achy joints. Massage can help relieve the aches and pains and is well-known for improving circulation. Improved circulation promotes body warmth, increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body, and can prevent muscle contraction, which is very common during the winter months.
Symptoms of Muscle Contraction may include:
Joint and muscle pain
Limited range of motion
Muscle fatigue/ weakness
Limited use of the affected area
If you want to know more about how massage impacts the immune system, check out this article by CentraCare.
Massage Can Promote Better Overall Physical And Mental Health
Massages are great for helping to heal damage to your nervous system, which then increases the flow of white blood cells. When you have a better flow of white blood cells, you have a better chance of recovering swiftly from your illness or not getting sick to begin with.
Mental health is just as important as our physical health. If the winter blues have got you down, massage may be just what you need to get you back into your vibrant summer self! Massage helps your body release endorphins and serotonin. These chemicals increase feelings of happiness and can reduce feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety. Massage has also been shown to improve hormonal health and balance, which are largely responsible for your emotions and mood. A well balanced body and a well balanced mind can help you to have a well balanced life.
Massage Can Reduce Flaky Dry Skin
It has been shown that regular massage therapy increases your skin’s production of collagen, which makes your skin more elastic and moisturized. Not to mention, that during your massage, oils will be used that keep your skin feeling smooth, soft, and hydrated.
Don’t wait until the snow has melted to help your body feel like it’s best self! From Cupping massages to Foot Zoning, Summit Spa has got you covered