Hands Pricing:
One time treatment: Retail $250 | Relax Member $200 | Repair Member $175 | Restore Member $150
Pre-Purchased Packaged Pricing: 3 Pack Series $450 | 6 Pack Series $750
Still thinking about it?
Schedule a consultation to meet with one of our Medical Master Aetheticians or Register Nurses. This time is specifically set aside for you to obtain necessary information about a treatment series. The fee for this consultation is applied towards your treatment if you decide to move forward with your Laser appointments.
If you do not move forward with treatment the $50 fee is non-refundable.
Décolleté | Chest Pricing or Just Back:
One time treatment: Retail $350 | Relax Member $300 | Repair Member $250 | Restore Member $200
Pre-Purchased Packaged Pricing: 3 Pack Series $600 | 6 Pack Series $1000