Summit Medical Spa | Med Spa Massage | Eagle Mountain & Spanish Fork

April Hath Put A Spirit Of Youth In Everything

~William Shakespeare

A Getaway Experience

Located in Spanish Fork & Eagle Mountain

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Hair Restoration. No Needles, No Downtime, No Discomfort!

Alma TED is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment. When used with our topical TED+ Hair Care Formula, it promotes improved blood flow to the scalp which results in thicker, stronger hair. It offers these benefits without the discomfort of shedding often experienced with other in-office treatments and procedures.

Medical Weight Loss. What is Semaglutide?

Most patients experience results within days. A resent clinical trail showed that adults on semaglutide lost an average of 15% of their initial body weight, which was about 12% more than those who did not take the medication.

Massage & Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) after surgery

Both needed and unexpected surgeries are life changing events. Getting the aftercare you need is vital for speedy recovery. We take great enjoyment and satisfaction in the opportunities we have experienced in helping clients…

What Our Clients Think